Creating an ad

The Ads section in the PublishGo CMS allows you to upload unlimited ads on your site. You can make use of any type of ads including banner images, widgets or HTML content. Use Google AdSense and other similar services to make money online by placing ads on your website. Also, you have the flexibility to place them anywhere on the site using ad zones with custom sizes. To create the ad, follow instructions below:

  1. Log in to the Administrator panel.
  2. From the main menu, choose Marketplace. Then choose Ads.
  3. Click on the Add button.
  4. Specify the required fields.
  5. Click on the Save button.

Below are the different fields used while creating the ad:

Field Description
Banner Name Enter name of the ad.
Ad Zone Choose the ad zone where you want to display the ad. New zone can be created from Marketplace > Ads > Zones page.
Advertiser Choose advertiser of the given ad from drop down. New advertiser can be added from Marketplace > Businesses page in the main menu.
Ad Type Choose the type of ad. Image type is used for banner and other similar ads, HTML ads are used for script based ads like widgets, AdSense and other similar services.
Image Upload the ad of type image from here.
Link URL Enter the URL where users will be redirected upon clicking the ad.
Open in New Window To allow the ad URL to open in a new window, choose this option.
Display Position Control the position of your ad on the website by using this option, lower numbered ad will always come on top of the higher numbered ad.
Start Publishing Set date in calendar to publish the ad.
End Publishing Set date in calendar to remove the ad from front end.
Active To make the ad live, select this check box.